Nothing too exciting to report from my appointment yesterday. I was in and out in 10 minutes.
Let's see, the basics:
Weight: I gained 4 lbs for a total of 10 pounds. I am okay with that. Even in I gain 1lb a week for the rest of the pregnancy I will only gain 26lbs or so. Considering I gained 40+ with Trey and 30 with Devyn, I would be thrilled with only gaining 25-30lbs! LOL
BP: 110/68
Baby's heartrate: 145bpm
Fundal Height: right on target
I go in to get my gestational diabetes test done in a couple weeks and hopefully that will turn out okay. :)
She also told me that the u/s results all looked great. :)
I had been having hellish sciatic nerve pain in my hip. I have never had this with my previous pregnancies (thank goodness or I don't know if I'd be doing this again right now) and it was miserable. I finally broke down and went to my chiropractor even though insurance won't cover it and got an adjustment done. It did WONDERS. For one, I was able to lay on my stomach for a few minutes, what pregnant woman doesn't love that opportunity! I still have pain here and there from it but it really did the trick of taking away the constant pain. It upset me that the doctor told me there is nothing you can do about it other than wear a maternity belt, take a bath and some tylenol. How many women just take that and suffer for months? And most chiropractors are pretty good if you call them and tell them your situation with insurance and agree to pay up front. My appointment only ended up being $37, worth every penny.
The baby is so active now! I have had a lot of movement that you can see from the outside now. I love this part of pregnancy and know how much I am going to miss it. I am really trying to relish in every part of this pregnancy.
Names are still up in the air for us, I need to start looking through my books again. We just aren't able to find a boy name that we both love other than Elliott, which Dante is just "okay" on. Maybe I should drop it and when he arrives (if it's a boy!) he'll have no other choice! LOL
I can't believe I am a week away from being 6 months. Crazy! Dante and I were talking on the way to work yesterday about how excited we are for November to come. November has always been a favorite month of mine. As a child it was because it was my birthday month, but as an adult it is the start of the holidays. I love Thanksgiving and getting together with family. This year we will have a new baby to love on. I am so excited to be off work all of November, December, and January. It will be wonderful. I am a freak and actually love being in the hospital having a baby. I love the excitement and anticipation, the visitors, and the feeling of euphoria that a new baby brings to our family. I love taking a gazillion pictures, bonding and staying up all night staring at my baby. I still drive by the hospitals where Trey and Devyn were born and get such a warm fuzzy feeling. I am never eager to get out like some people are. That may be different this time, only because due to RSV season, the kids won't be able to come visit me. It will be hard to be away from them for 3 days. Dante is planning on bringing them to the hospital and I will go to the lobby and have lunch with them. Even thought they won't be able to come see the baby, it will be good to see mommy!
Enough of the rambling....have a good day my friends!
Classroom Valentine Box Ideas
6 years ago
23 weeks :D! I love feeling the baby move, I always miss that. Plus I love how for that short time that baby is all yours and you do not have to share...
So the baby's hb was 145 huh? ooooooh, I'm thinking BOY!
November will be here in no time so cherish every single moment with your baby, Hon.
I liked being in the hospital too, but because I enjoyed being waited on by the nurses, lol!
Hey luv bug! I can't believe you only have 3 months to go! It is amazing :O) I can't wait to see who this little one will look like. You are in my favorite stage of pregnancy so enjoy!
Hey its me again! I was wondering if you liked this blog better than LJ and myspace. I am up in the air about changing websites because I follow people on LJ still. Even though I don't really update alot anymore. What do you think??
Hi Janelle -
I like it. I just needed a fresh place to start and be open and honest. I like it way better than myspace - I think it is buggy as hell there. LJ was okay but I couldn't get on at work anymore. :)
Holy cow this pregnancy is flying by! But isn't that always the case when you are not the one PG? LOL Glad to hear the appointment went well and everything is rolling along! :)
I'm glad the pregnancy is going well for you! I had horrible back pain with Spencer, but it was way up between my shoulder blades. I thought about going to a chiropractor, and I really wish I would have. My OB told me there was nothing I could do except make an app't with a physical therapist to help my posture. And she said it awfully snotty. I wasn't happy.
I'm sure the perfect name will come to you soon-- or at least before you leave the hospital! LOL!!
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