Who want's to come help me make a billion cupcakes?? Devyn has ballet in the morning so I need to do them tonight when I get home, but I am tireeeeeeeed.
Tomorrow is Trey and Devyn's birthday party. The big 7 and 4. Wow. When did my babies grow up?? We are having a pool party for a few friends and family. I feel so bad that Trey didn't get addresses of his classmates. We were only able to get ahold of 2 kiddos from his school (our neighbors). There will still be enough kids to fill the pool once mine, Natasha, Leona and Maria's kids are in there! We decided to do it in the evening this year because it is so flippin' hot during the day. Good times.
Yesterday I spent all evening searching for "Heelys" for Trey. They are those shoes that have the skate wheel in the heel, aka - arm breakers. I found them after going everywhere in town and once I overdosed on shock, I paid the $80 for them and he will now be one very happy child. It has been the only thing he has asked for in months (besides an IPod) so I figure why not. He is an agile child, not a klutz like me and Devyn so we should be okay. Maria is buying him elbow and knee pads for his birthday and he has a skate boarding helmet so he is all covered. LOL
Devyn is getting a Leapster game system (so I don't have to hear her fighting with Trey to use his) and some big My Little Pony that you can style the hair on. She is such a girlie girl. My parents are awesome and saved all my toys. I recently gave her all my My Little Pony's and Dante is getting out my Cabbage Patch Kids for her this weekend. I think I have about 12 of them. I was a freak and that is all the toys I ever played with and what I asked for for every birthday and Christmas. I have always been a bit obsessive compulsive. LOL
They have been counting sleeps until their party so we are all glad it's finally here. LOL
Classroom Valentine Box Ideas
6 years ago
I was the same way. I had a few things I liked and that is all I wanted. Once I started reading I had to have every book in the series (Babysitters Club, SV Twins, SV High). I love those styling heads. Rebekah has not seen the MLP one yet, she will freak!
Wish I could help you!
See you tomorrow :D!!
I am so glad we got to hang out today, if only briefly. We need to SB, eat out, giggle, snark (something, anything) next weekend.
I really have nothing important to say, just wanted to say hi. Ohand I like your new layout. I want to change mine but I am terrified everything will get erased. And do not laugh at my geekiness but I am reading "Learn HTML in a Weekend" so I have big plans for a fancy blog. lol
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