This kid is so cute, I swear.
The other day I was asking Trey to help her buckle up in her carseat and he jokingly tells her, "Sure but it's going to cost you!" She looks at me all annoyed and says, "Mom can you hand me my wallet, please." (Her wallet was in my purse since we were going shopping.)
Yesterday she told me that she doesn't want to turn five because she really likes her carseat and she is not too fond of the booster seat we have for her.
State law in NM is 5 and 40lbs before they can be in a booster. What is it in your area?
Classroom Valentine Box Ideas
6 years ago
1 comment:
Dev is such a cutie patooty. :)
Texas state law "requires that all children younger than 5 years of age and less than 36 inches tall to be in a child safety seat system. (“Child safety seat system” includes car seats and booster seats, including high-back and backless boosters.)"
They have no booster requirements at all. Kaelyn is even legal to ride with the seat belt only. Too bad she won't know about that for a long time! LOL The NHTSA recommends keeping them in a booster till they are 4'9"! She has a while to go.
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