His birthday was on Wednesday. Seven. That sounds so...old to me. Sigh.
I am annoyed with my FIL. He thought buying my 7 year-old a 4-wheeler that goes up to 40mph was a good idea, without even consulting us. Dude, the kid can't even drive his Little Tyke Hummer 5mph with out crashing into the house and giving his sister whip-lash. Seriously, isn't that a gift you would call mom and dad up and say, "Hey, I want to buy Trey a 4-wheeler, is that okay with you guys??" Oh, and a helmet would be a smart thing to include. He now has a 4-wheeler he can't ride until we can afford to go drop $100 on a helmet. It is torturing him.
I am having a really hard time biting my tongue on this one. I know he is just trying to be a nice grandpa and buy him neat boy things but, ugh.
I know, both Dante and I had 3-wheelers at this age but it was really before all the deaths and kids getting paralized were being reported. One 20/20 episode on it and my parents sold ours and had a pool put in the back yard.
It is always something.
He had a great birthday and was spoiled to the hill, just like every other year. I just can't believe I have a 7 and 4 year-old. I am getting old. LOL
Classroom Valentine Box Ideas
6 years ago
I knopw, age 7 is so grown up!! Happy birthday again to your sweet Trey!!
Happy 7th Birthday Trey!!
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