This morning I had my 30 week appointment. BP and urine was fine, baby's heart rate was fine, etc.
I am measuring at 31 weeks and I know my due date is exact since I was charting, etc. so it looks like we just have a big baby in the oven. Devyn was almost 8lbs at 9 days early so it's not shocking. I like big chubbed out babies so bring it on! :) It's funny, I still feel kind of small and I was just worrying to Dante last night about the size of the baby and my growth being behind and here the baby measures a week ahead. Go figure!
Good news from the scale. After gaining 8 lbs at my last appointment I was scared to see what this month would look like. The good news - I had actually lost weight. Okay, only 1lb, but still no gain is good in my book!!! So I am now at a total gain of 17 lbs this pregnancy - totally doable.
I also have a tenative c-section date set of November 8th. He is submitting all the paperwork to verify that the O.R. and everything is free. I should have a confirmation at my next appointment. I am also all set to get my tubes tied during my c-section.
I now am going every 2 weeks - exciting stuff, I tell you. I am so chipper today. For one, my hip doesn't hurt for the first day in ages and two, I am only 60 days away from having this baby!!!!
Classroom Valentine Box Ideas
6 years ago
Glad you and the baby are doing well! I just turned 33 weeks so we are very close!! It's getting so excited cause there isn't much time left! I'm so anxious to know if your little one is a girl or a boy! Have you had any guesses? I always get the it's a boy opinions but it's a girl I have an u/s in 2 to confirm it once more!!
Hi Brandi!!! I can not believe you are 30 weeks already!
I miss you tons and I am so happy that you updated, my LJ just isn't the same without you!
Are you getting anxious to know the flavor of your baby? You and Dante are so strong for not finding out, I don't think I could do it!
I am glad you have some relief from the hip pain, it gets so uncomfy in the last months... Take care sweets and I hope you find the time to update us more, but either way know I am thinking about you!
I can't believe you are so close to finding out what this baby is. It is crazy!! I miss having my LJ but it was for the best that I closed it. I am still at myspace and update there quite a bit. So if you want to check it go on ahead. I bet Trey and Devyn are super excited too :O)
Not much longer now. I know you are excited and ready.
You are in the homestretch!! I am so excited for you!!
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