We made it past our 1 year goal!!! Yay us!!!!
I will be honest with you here, I am realllllly tired of pumping at work. I am not however, tired of the whole nursing experience one bit. I love how attached she is to nursing and how it can soothe her instantly when she is upset. I love how she tugs at my shirt when she is fussy.
I have thought about not pumping at work anymore since she can be on cow milk now at my mom's and only nursing at night. The only problem is that she usually sleeps through the night now so with eating dinner that maybe leaves 2 nursing sessions a day and I know my supply, it will be gone in a matter of weeks if I don't keep pumping at work. I just don't know what to do.
I am leaning towards self-weaning, don't offer/don't refuse but I may just give in and keep pumping at work and keep offering it to her.
The decision to wean will be so bittersweet. I am so anxious to be done with pumping but I am not ready to never have a nursing baby again. That makes me incredibly sad.
Classroom Valentine Box Ideas
6 years ago
1 comment:
That is such a hard choice. I know you are tired of pumping and I really commend you for making this far. You are an awesome dedicated mommy. I was so sad to no longer having nursing baby too, it is bittersweet.
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