Easter was wonderful. We got up early and the kids played with their gifts from the Easter Bunny. We went to High Mass at 9am. It was beautiful. I love the "bells and smells" of the Solemn Mass. Monsignor Raun was giving mass and he is so inspiring. All the priests are, but he is something special. He teaches quite a few of our Alpha sessions and he is amazing. The kind of teacher that has you hanging on to every word and trying to live by them. After mass we headed to Dante's dad and the kids had an easter egg hunt and then we went to dinner at my parents. It was a busy but very mellow and peaceful day.

My parents are re-landscaping their backyard and Trey is Grandpa's helper. No worries my paranoid friends, my dad operates heavy machinery for a living, he is in good hands here. ;) Growing up, one of my favorite things was working with my dad and getting rides in the bucket of the back hoe. Glad to see my kids feel the same way. ;)

My brother took this picture and Trey told him, "My mother is going to kill grandpa when she see what he let me do!" LOL. Okay, so *I* tend to be the paranoid one. I won't even let my kids ride the horses at my in-laws because *I* am scared of them.

Trey is such a hard worker. He is always eager to help out (especially if it involves tearing stuff up, lol). He tore down all the timbers from that terrace.
I feel a scrapbook page coming on, woohooooooo!
In the first pic, I was thinking, "Trye is helping? Where is Trey helping? I can't see him, he must be in the cab...Holy crap, he is in the bucket!" LOL
I was freaking thinking they were getting rid of the pool until I saw the last pic. You'll have to post some after photos.
lol I could not see Trey at first either!
Yep, you need to SB those pictures!!
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