Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Audrey funnies

I absolutely love age 2. Their personality really starts to shine and they say the most hilarious things. Audrey is so animated and she has the most expressive little face.

  • We were in the car driving home the other night and Audrey was upset at me for something (probably not getting her way) and she tells me with her eyebrows scrunched up, "I don't care. I don't 'preciate it! You not my best buddy any more!" As obnoxious and rude as it was, I totally laughed on the inside and scolded her on the outside. I don't appreciate it???? Really?? Where does that come from?! LOL

  • I call her "my darling angel" all the time. The other day I called her my precious angel. Se looked at me all hurt and said, "Ugh, I'm your darling angel mom."Usually she calls her baby doll her little sister. A little later she was in the living room looking for her baby doll and yelling, "Hey, hey, anyone know where my darling angel is?????"

  • Her other favorite thing to do is yell, "Yoooooou ready guys?!?!" When someone answers yes she yells, "Okay, dun, dun, duuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!" and jumps. For a 2 year-old this is apparently very entertaining and can be repeated over and over. It doesn't matter if you are at the grocery store or in church. ;)

There are countless other things she says or does on a daily basis but I can't think of them right now. She bring such joy and fun to our home. What a great kid.

I love writing down the kid funnies. I have so many from Trey and Devyn in my Live Journal. Every now and then the kids beg me to log on and read them. We laugh and they adamantly argue that the never said or did such things.


Cori said...

Awww, how cute!

Natasha said...

What a doll!!