Last week was AWFUL at work. I left one meeting crying like a pre-menstrual mess and then proceeded to get my leg smashed in my friend's car door at lunch when I was getting in and the wind slammed it shut on me. I have a bruise on my calf the size of my fist. I honestly thought it broke my leg. I just sat there thinking, "you have GOT to be kidding me. Really??" Ang, Eric and I promptly went and had a beer at lunch and they let me sit there and whine about my no good day. Good friends, I tell you. The crying episode is a long story but I personally blame it on me being sick and the fact that it was 2pm and I had still not had lunch yet. This morning I came in to a beautiful purple African Violet plant. It made me smile and think this week should be better. It will, right??
**wrong** I typed the 1st half of this entry this morning and since then, fell down......walking. Yep, you read that right. I was just walking down the hall and then all the sudden I felt everything go in slow motion as I was saying "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." I hit the floor and landed square on my knees right in front of the guards station. After I told my lunch buddies Ang and Eric, they ran to the guards to see if they caught it on the surveillance tapes. They didn't, they had already checked. Thank God. We all got a great laugh out of it and my new nickname is Grace. I think it fits well. My life is summed up by a series of embarrassing moments. I have accepted it.
Dante and I leave for NYC in a week. I am uber excited for this trip. For once, a trip to some where awesome where I am not working while I am there! Dante will be in meeting during the days and I just plan on perusing the City all day. It is a dream. We are staying at the Hilton that's in the WTC/Financial District. I got tickets to see Late Night with my lover, Jimmy Fallon on St. Patty's Day. When I am there I am going to run on stage, hump his leg and ask him if I can have his babies. Record it friends. It will be good TV. ;) I am praying I get picked for "Lick it for 10". I dream big people.
On the 18th we are going to see one of Dante's distant relatives play the Bandoneon at a local Pub. He is in a group called Eternal Tango. We met him a few years ago and would love to see him again while we are out there.
Other that that we have no set plans. We really want to visit St. Patrick's Cathedral, Ellis Island, Ground Zero, spend some time in Central Park and do all the other touristy things.
This is a picture from the hotel we are staying in.
I actually had a dream about being in a hotel room with this view last night. It was fabulous. More to come later. I need to get some work done before the day's over.
I've missed you........Grace!!! LMAO!!!! LOVE YOU!!!
how much fun will you two have!!!
Grace! LMAO...even funnier is that's my nickname from an employer too, because I too an walking challenged!!!
Missed you Miss Brandi!
NYC sounds like it is going to be a blast and that view is awesome!!!
I got that way too with journaling, now I am back in the habit, but it comes and goes!
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